Sedation Dentist – Danville, CA
Easing Your Dental Anxiety
More than a third of the population of the United States is afraid of having any sort of dental treatment performed. As such, we’re all too familiar with dental anxiety and how it can be an obstacle to getting high-quality dental care – which is why we’re happy to offer a solution in the form of sedation dentistry! Please reach out to our team at Main Street Family Dental Danville to let us know if you have dental anxiety; we can help put your fears to rest during your next appointment with the right type of sedation dentistry in Danville.
Why Choose Main Street Family Dental Danville for Sedation Dentistry?
- Convenient Nitrous Oxide Sedation
- Highly Relaxing Oral Conscious Sedation
- Knowledgeable, Caring Experts
Oral Conscious Sedation

Patients who need a stronger form of sedation to keep their dental fears under control may benefit from what’s known as oral conscious sedation dentistry. At a specified time, before your treatment begins, you’ll take a pill that will put you in a highly relaxed state. As the name suggests, you will still be conscious, so you’ll be fully capable of interacting with our team and following any instructions we give you; however, once the effects wear off, you may find that you don’t remember what happened during the procedure.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide is a colorless, odorless gas that can be safely used as a sedative when mixed with oxygen. After a few minutes of breathing in the nitrous oxide, you’ll start to feel calmer; you might also experience light-headedness, and there may be a tingling sensation in your fingers and toes. It doesn’t take long for the effects of nitrous oxide to wear off once you stop breathing it in, so it won’t interfere with your routine. You can simply go straight back to your normal activities after your treatment.